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Cape-Town, 24; varieties of the human race encountered in its streets, ib.; sensation caused by the Author's appearance in, 329.

Caracal, the, 135; its fur warm and handsome, ib.; supposed medicinal virtues of the skin, ib.

Caravan, 178; caravan route, 182.

Chikor'onkombè, chief of an Ovambo trading caravan, 175; his residence, 188; desertion of, 206.

Christmas in the desert, 119.

Cobra di capella, the, common in the Cape Colony, 293; a remarkable escape from one, ib.

Cockatrice, the, Damara's account of, 292.

Cold weather, 154, 185, 300.

Comet, the Author observes a remarkable, 354.

Cornelius, chief of a powerful tribe of Namaquas, 280.

Cow, the Damara, 309.

Cunenè, a river of Africa, its discovery and subsequent mysterious disappearance, 204; the Ovambo often extend their trading excursions to, 205; attempt of Mr. Galton's party to visit it frustrated, 206; the Ovambo's account of, 430.


Dacre's pulpit, 333.

Damara-land only partially inhabited, 217; the seasons there the reverse of those in Europe, ib.; reptiles numerous in, 293.

Damaras, the, beautifully formed, 62; not strong, ib.; complexion, ib.; symmetrical shape of the women, 64; clothing, ib.; ornaments, weapons, 65; divided into two large tribes, 66; carry firebrands at night, 94; one struck dead by lightning, 108; believe that all men of a light complexion are their enemies, 111; entirely a pastoral people, 121; their notions respecting property in land, ib.; cruelly treated by the Namaquas, 127; the flesh of the leopard, hyæna, and other beasts of prey eaten by the poor, 135; a Damara's opinion of his countrymen, 143; addicted to telling falsehoods, 144; their method of cooking and eating, 151; villages, 159; their immorality, 177; eight Damara women surprised and put to death by Bushmen, 208; general reflections on, 214, 215; whence they came, 215; their conquests, ib.; attacked by the Namaquas, 216; their own ideas respecting their origin, 218; their chief deity, ib.; their tribes, ib.; have great faith in witchcraft, 219; a fire always kept burning before the hut of their chief, 220; curious customs respecting food among the, 221; the women marry at much the same age as those in Europe, ib.; customs on the occasion of a girl's betrothal, ib.; polygamy practiced among, 222; domestic habits, ib.; customs respecting the naming of children, ib.; bury their dead, 223; ceremonies on the death of one of the tribe, ib.; the law of succession among, 222, 225; ceremonies on the accession of a new chief, 225; fever and ophthalmia their prevailing maladies, 226; milk their staple food, 227; fond of music and dancing, ib.; power of the chief, ib.; rudiments of science among, 228; value their cattle next to their women, 309.

Dance, a, at Nangoro's residence, 193.

Daviep, arrival at, 52; much frequented by lions, ib.

Dogs, miserable plight of the Namaqua, 278.

Duikers, the (cormorants and shags), mode in which they obtain their food, 32.


Eggs, the, of the ostrich, 60; of the Guinea-fowl, 92, 136.

Eikhams, the residence of Jonker Afrikaner, 130; twilight at, 230; abundantly supplied with water, ib.; hot spring in the neighborhood of, ib.; history of the mission at, 231; terrific thunderstorm at, 277.

Elands, spirited chase after, 366.

Elephants, tracks of, 143; breed near to Omuvereoom, 158; combat between rhinoceros and, 164; unsuccessful hunt of, 170; Hans and Phillippus kill one, 175; the Author shoots a large bull-elephant, 391; a midnight meeting with a troop of, 394; adventure with a herd of female elephants at Kobis, 400; a midnight spectacle of a magnificent troop of, 405.

Elephant Fountain, arrival at, 233; formerly a Wesleyan missionary station, ib.; chiefly inhabited by Hill-Damaras, ib.; nature of the country eastward of, ib.; return to, 236; abundance of game in its neighborhood, 237.

Elephant Kloof, the Author shoots a magnificent giraffe at, 357.

Erongo, a mountain famous for its peculiar formation, and as a stronghold of the Hill-Damaras, 114; about three thousand feet in height above the level of the plain, 120.

Etosha, a sterile plain, 156; at times inundated, ib.

Euphorbia Candelabrum, use made of its poison by the Ovaherero and the Hill-Damaras, 91; fatal to the white rhinoceros, but harmless to the black species, ib.; abundant at Okamabuti, 176.

Eyebrecht, Mr., Jonker's right-hand man, 231.


Fever, the Author attacked by, 300.

Fig-tree, a gigantic one near Otjironjuba fountain, 156.