Page:Last dying speech, and travels, of William Walker.pdf/4

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half crown left for myself.

Looking over the news-paper, I cast my eye on an advertisement addressed to me. in which I was requested to make the best of my way to my father's house in Yorkshire which I most unfortunately complied with; for at my arrival at my father's, I found nobody but a beautiful young woman, whom at that time I did not know to be my own sister, but fell desperately in love with her, and wanted to have to do with her, but she refusing me enraged me to such a degree, that I was determined to enjoy her by force, for which purpose I threw her upon the floor, when her head, from the violence of the fall, striking against the floor, her brains were dashed out and lay shsttered about the room, in a manner too shocking to behold I was for some time so struck with astonishment, that I did not know what to do, at last was determined to conceal the body by burying it in the garden, which I accordingly did, but all the pains I took to wash off her blood which was flown about the room, and upon my cloaths were withont effect. The rest, of the family presently coming home, and seeing the floor and my cloaths in so shocking a condition and no sister to be found, began to suspect what was the matter, and one of them went and fetched a constable, and had me immediately taken into custody, and carried before