Page:Last dying speech, and travels, of William Walker.pdf/5

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Sir George Rich, a justice of Peace, where I confessed the whole affair; and was committed to York castle, to take my trial at the last assizes, where I was cast and condemned, and am now to receive a just reward for so barbarous and inhuman a crime. Having proceeded thus far he fainted away, but on coming to himself, the executioner was going to perform his office, when the unfortunate wretch requested to say a few words more, by way of exhortation, which being granted, he spake as follows:

Good People;

Let the fear of the Lord at all times occupy your minds, and I earnestly entreat you all that are here assembled, to take warning by my unhappy exit; beware of the enemy of your souls, who goes about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour; of all avoid the lusts of the flesh, for that is the bait he generally lays for the young and unwary. In my infancy my fond parents gave me the best instructions and admonitions, but getting as I grew up among a number of my companions of my own age, their examples and persuasions, in a little time, destroyed all the good maxims I had been taught by my honourable parents; so that as I came to riper years, not regarding