Page:Last dying speech, and travels, of William Walker.pdf/6

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God's holy word, or the good admonition of my parents, but wilfully breaking the sabbath, delighting more in an ale-house with bad company, than at church, I then fell a slave to lustful desires, and through the temptations of lewd women I grew extravagant, and often robbed my father to satisfy their insatiable desires, till at last being ashamed to look my dear parents in the face, I ran away and left them, as I mentioned before which almost broke their hearts having no more children left to comfort them but my poor sister, whom I have so cruelty cut off in the prime of life, which I must fear will bring the aged heads of my parents with sorrow to the grave.

Here he burst into tears, wringing his hands, and still exhorting the young men that were witnesses to his wretched and untimely end, to beware of drunkenness, swearing and whoredom, as they love their peace here, and their welfare hereafter, for they were the things from which sprung all my future heinous crimes, and you are in danger of the same if you shun them not quickly.


O Eternal and merciful Lord, look down we beseech thee, in the multitude of thy mercies, upon this thy servant,