Page:Le Lutrin - An Heroick Poem (1682).djvu/24

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Canto 2.
Then Masse's, Ave's, Credo's Glory earned,
Blind Vot'ries then could reach it unconcerned!
But now the Begging Fryars are all for travel,
They exercise their Toes in Dust and Gravel;
The preaching Friars such a coil do keep,
My aking head can get no wink of Sleep!
Yet my Cistercians did a little bless
My hopes, in Cloisters pamp'ring Idleness,
When a Mischievous Pulpits Curst intent
Threatens to force me thence to Banishment!
Ah Night! the Dear Associate of my Sleep,
Wilt with these Villains Correspondence keep?
Ah Night! Sweet Night! If e're thou didst Essay
With me the Joyes concealed from the Day,
Then suffer not——— Much more she would have spoke,
Had not a Qualm crept o're her heart, and broke
The Languid purpose: Down she sank in Bed,
Sigh'd, stretch'd her Arms, clos'd Eyes, and Slumbered!
