Page:Le Lutrin - An Heroick Poem (1682).djvu/25

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Canto 3.

Canto III.


An Owl instructed by the Night,
Cunningly counterfeits A Sprite:
In Pulpit close she lies Perdue,
And terrifies the Prelates Crew!
They Routed fly with heavy Clatter,
The Canto tells you, what's the matter;
But Discord to Retrieve the sport
Rallies them soon in Warlike sort:
All Oppositions overpast,
They set the Pulpit up at last:
But fear not lest the Prelate Preacht in't;
Alas he has a further reach in't!
To spight his Foes, yet for all's Feating,
The proof of th' Pudding's seen i'th' eating.

But Night in hast with her Dark Canopy,
Shrowding the viny Plains of Burgundy,
Flew back to th' City; and as suddenly
Wheel'd round to view the Towers of Monlheri;
Those walls, whose towering Summits mate the skies,
Built on a Rock which Duskie Clouds disguise.
