Page:Le Morte d'Arthur - Volume 1.djvu/448

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SCIENCE continued Marx's (Karl) Capital. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. Intro- duction by G. D. H. Cole. 2 vols. 848-9 Miller's Old Red Sandstone. 103 Owen's (Robert) A New View of Society, etc. Intro, by G. D. H. Cole. 799 Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. 590 Smith's (Adam) The Wealth of Nations. 2 vols. 412-13 Tyndall's Glaciers of the Alps and Mountaineering in 1861. 98 White's Selborne. Introduction by Principal Windle. 48 Wollstonecraft (Mary), The Rights of Woman, with John Stuart Mill's The Subjection of Women. 825 TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY Anson's Voyages. Introduction by John Masefleld. 510 Bates' Naturalist 9n the Amazon. With Illustrations. 446 Belt's The Naturalist in Nicaragua. Intro, by Anthony Belt, F.L.S. 561 Borrow's (George) The Gypsies in Spain. Intro, by Edward Thomas. 6D7 L The Bible in Spain. Intro, by Edward Thomas. 151 Wild Wales. Intro, by Theodore Watts-Duntoa. 49 (See also FICTION) Boswell's Tour in the Hebrides with Dr. Johnson. 387 (See also BIOGRAPHY) Burton's (Sir Richard) First Footsteps in East Africa. 500 J Calderon de la Barca's (Mme.) Life in Mexico. 664 Cobbett's Rural Rides. Introduction by Edward Thomas. 2 vols. 638-9 L Cook's Voyages of Discovery. 99 Crevecoeur's (H. St. John) Letters from an American Farmer. 640 Darwin's Voyage of the Beagle. 104 (See also SCIENCE) Defoe's Tour Through England and Wales. Introduction by G. D. H. (See also FICTION) [Cole. 820-1 Dennis' Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria. 2 vols. 183-4 Dufferin's (Lord) Letters from High Latitudes. 499 Ford's Gatherings from Spain. Introduction by Thomas Okey. 152 Franklin's Journey to the Polar Sea. Intro, by Capt. R. F. Scott. 447 Giraldus Cambrensis: Itinerary and Description of Wales. 272 Hakluyt's Voyages. 8 vols. 264, 265, 313, 314, 338, 339, 388, 389 L Kinglake's Eothen. Introduction by Harold Spender, M.A. 337 Lane's Modern Egyptians. With many Illustrations. 315 % Lytton's Pilgrims of the Rhine. 390 (See also FICTION) Mandeville's (Sir John) Travels. Introduction by Jules Bramont. 812 Park (Mungo): Travels. Introduction by Ernest Rhys. 205 Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers. Selected by E. H. Blakeney, M.A. 778 L Polo's (Marco) Travels. Introduction by John Masefield. 306 Roberts' The Western Avernus. Intro, by Cunninghame Graham. 762 L Speke's Discovery of the Source of the Nile. 50 L Stevenson's An Inland Voyage, Travels with a Donkey, and Silverado Squatters. 766 (See also ESSAYS, FICTION, and POETRY) Stow's Survey of London. Introduction by H. B. Wheatley. 589 Wakefield's Letter from Sydney and Other Writings on Colonization. 828 Waterton's Wanderings in South America. Intro, by E. Selous. 772 Young's Travels in France and Italy. Intro, by Thomas Okey. 720 FOR YOUNG PEOPLE J Abbott's Rollo at Work and Rollo at Play. Intro, by Lucy Crump. 275 L ^Esop's and Other Fables: An Anthology from all sources. 657 L Alcott's Little Men. Introduction by Grace Rhys. 512 L Little Women and Good Wives. Intro, by Grace Rhys. 248 Andersen's Fairy Tales. Illustrated by the Brothers Robinson. 4 More Fairy Tales. Illustrated by Mary Shillabeer. 822 Annals of Fairyland. The Reign of King Oberon. 365 The Reign of King Cole. 36_6 ., ,, The Reign of King Herla. 541 Asgard and the Norse Heroes. Translated by Mrs. Boult. 689 Baker's Cast Up by the Sea. 539 L Ballantyne's Coral Island. 245 Martin Rattler. 246 Ungava. Introduction by Ernest Rhys. 276 L Browne's (Frances) Granny's Wonderful Chair. Introduction by Dollie Radford. 112