Page:Le Morte d'Arthur - Volume 1.djvu/449

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FOR YOUNG PEOPLE continued Bulfinch's (Thomas) The Age of Fable. 472 Legends of Charlemagne. Intro, by Ernest Rhys. 556 L Canton's A Child' Book of Saints. Illustrated by T. H. Robinson. 61 (See also ESSAYS) L Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking-Glass, etc. Illus- trated by the Author. Introduction by Ernest Rhys. 836 Clarke's Girlhood of Shakespeare's Heroines. 3 vols. 109-11 (Vols. II and III J) Tales from Chaucer. 537 Collodi's Pinocchio; or, The Story of a Puppet. 538 Cox's (Sir G. W.) Tales of Ancient Greece). 721 L Defoe's Robinson Crusoe. Illustrated by J. A. Symington. 59 (See also FICTION) Dodge's (Mary Mapes) Hans Brinker; or, The Silver Skates. 620 Edgar's Heroes of England. 471 (See also FICTION) L Ewing's (Mrs.) Jackanapes, Daddy Darwin's Dovecot, illustrated by R. Caldecott, and The Story of a Short Life. 731 Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances. 730 L Fairy Gold. Illustrated by Herbert Cole. 157 L Fairy Tales from the Arabian Nights. Illustrated. 249 Freeman's Old English History for Children. 540 L Froissart's Chronicles. 57 Gatty's Parables from Nature. Introduction by Grace Rhys. 158 Grimm's Fairy Tales. Illustrated by R. Anning Bell. 56 L Hawthorne's Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales. 5 (See also FICTION) Howard's Rattlin the Reefer. Introduction by Guy Pocock. 857 L Hughes' Tom Brown's School Days. Illustrated by T. Robinson. 58 Ingelqw's (Jean) Mopsa the Fairy. Illustrated by Dora Curtis. 619 Jefferies's (Richard) Bevis, the Story of a Boy. Introduction by Guy Pocock. 850 L Kingsley's Heroes. Introduction by Grace Rhys. 113 Madam How and Lady Why. Introduction by C. I. Gardiner, L Water Babies and Glaucus. 277 [M.A. 777 (See also POETRY and FICTION) Kingston's Peter the Whaler. 6 Three Midshipmen. 7 L Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare. Illustrated by A. Rackham. 8 (See also BIOGRAPHY and ESSAYS) L Lear (and Others): A Book of Nonsense. 806 L Marryat's Children of the New Forest. 247 Little Savage. Introduction by R. Brimley Johnson. 159 Masterman Ready. Introduction by R. Brimley Johnson. 160 Settlers in Canada. Introduction by R. Brimley Johnson. 370 (Edited by) Rattlin the Reefer. 857 (See also FICTION) Martineau's Feats on the Fjords, etc. Illustrated by A. Rackham. 429 Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes. Illustrated. 473 Poetry Book for Boys and Girls. Edited by Guy Pocock. 894 Reid's (Mayne) The "Boy Hunters of the Mississippi. 582 The Boy Slaves. Introduction by Guy Pocock. 797 Ruskin's The Two Boyhoods and Other Passages. 688 (See also ESSAYS) L SewelTs (Anna) Black Beauty. Illustrated by Lucy Kemp-Welch. 748 L Spyri's (Johanna) Heidi. Illustrations by Lizzie Lawson. 431 L Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. 371 L Swift's Gulliver's Travels. Illustrated by A. Rackham. 60 (See also BIOGRAPHY and ESSAYS) L Swiss Family Robinson. Illustrations by Chas. Folkard. 430 Verne's (Jules) Abandoned. 50 Illustrations. 368 ,, Dropped from the Clouds. 50 Illustrations. 367 L Five Weeks in a Balloon and Around the World in Eighty Days. Translated by Arthur Chambers and P. Desages. L Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. 319 [779 The Secret of the Island. 50 Illustrations. 369 L Yonge's (Charlotte M.) The Book of Golden Deeds. 330 ,, The Lances of Lynwood. Illustrated by Dora Curtis. 579 L >. The Little Duke. Illustrated by Dora Curtis. 470 (See also FICTION)