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Leaves of Grass.

The affectionate boy, the husband and wife, the voter,
the nominee that is chosen, and the nominee that
has failed,
The great already known, and the great any time
after to-day,
The stammerer, the sick, the perfect-formed, the
The criminal that stood in the box, the judge that
sat and sentenced him, the fluent lawyers, the
jury, the audience.
The laugher and weeper, the dancer, the midnight
widow, the red squaw.
The consumptive, the erysipelite, the idiot, he that
is wronged.
The antipodes, and every one between this and them
in the dark,
I swear they are averaged now—one is no better
than the other,
The night and sleep have likened them and restored

51.I swear they are all beautiful!
Every one that sleeps is beautiful—everything in
the dim light is beautiful.
The wildest and bloodiest is over, and all is peace.

52.Peace is always beautiful,
The myth of heaven indicates peace and night.

53.The myth of heaven indicates the Soul;
The Soul is always beautiful—it appears more or it
appears less—it comes, or it lags behind.