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It comes from its embowered garden, and looks
pleasantly on itself, and encloses the world,
Perfect and clean the genitals previously jetting, and
perfect and clean the womb cohering.
The head well-grown, proportioned and plumb, and
the bowels and joints proportioned and plumb.

54.The Soul is always beautiful,
The universe is duly in order, everything is in its
What is arrived is in its place, and what waits is
in its place;
The twisted skull waits, the watery or rotten blood
The child of the glutton or venerealee waits long, and
the child of the drunkard waits long, and the
drunkard himself waits long.
The sleepers that lived and died wait—the far
advanced are to go on in their turns, and the
far behind are to go on in their turns,
The diverse shall be no less diverse, but they shall
flow and unite—they unite now.

55.The sleepers are very beautiful as they lie unclothed.
They flow hand in hand over the whole earth, from
east to west, as they lie unclothed,
The Asiatic and African are hand in hand—the
European and American are hand in hand,
Learned and unlearned are hand in hand, and male
and female are hand in hand.
The bare arm of the girl crosses the bare breast of
her lover—they press close without lust—his
lips press her neck,
