Page:Leechdoms wortcunning and starcraft of early England volume 3.djvu/93

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red wood chervil, of both equal quantities, pound with old swines grease, work into a paste, put it upon the feet, wrap up with a cloth at night, and wash again in the morning, dry with a cloth, smear with the white of a liens egg, make again a new paste, do so for seven days; then will the sinews be right and the feet healthy.

69. Form a drink against that ilk; take the same groundsel and hindheal and the small clivers and woodroffe and pennyroyal, of all equal quantities, put into wine or into foreign ale, give the man a good cup full to drink at night fasting. This drink is good for pain in the buttocks, and for pain from the " dry" disease,[1] and for foot swellings.

70. For an itching wamb, boil pennyroyal in water, give it to the man to sup as hot as he can endure it; soon will the itching be less.

71. Work thus a salve against lice; boil in butter the netherward part of hemlock and wormwood or bothen, smear the head therewith; the salve effects that of the lice there be less.

72. Work thus a good drink against lice; take lovage and wormwood and hemlock, put them in ale, give the man to drink at night fasting, a good bowl full.

73. For heaviness of the mind,, give to eat radish with salt and vinegar; soon the mood will be more gay.

  1. If the correction þeohwerce be accepted, the translation will be pain in the thighs.