Page:Leechdoms wortcunning and starcraft of early England volume 3.djvu/94

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Wið fleogendan attre asleah .IIII. scearpan on feower healfa mid aecenan brande geblodga thone brand weorf on weg sing this on .III.[1] ✠ matheus me ducað ✠ marcus me conseruæð ✠ lucas me liberat[2] ✠ iohannes me adiuuat[2] semper · amen. Contriue[2] deus omnem malum et nequitiam per uirtutem patris et filii et spiritus fol. 175 a.s͏͞c͏͞i sanctifica me emanuhel i͏͞h͏͞s x͏͞p͏͞s libera me ab omnibus ínsidíís ínímíci benedictio dominí super caput meum potens deus in omni tempore. amen.

Wið færstice feferfuige & seo reade netele ðe þurh ærn inwyxð & wegbræde wyll in buteran.

Hlude[3] wæran hy la hlude
ða hy ofer þone hlæw ridan
wæran anmode ða hy
ofer land ridan
scyld ðu ðe nu þu ðysne nið genesan mote
ut lytel spere gif her inne sie
stod under linde
under leohtum scylde
þær ða mihtigan wif
fol. 175 b.hyra mægen beræddon
& hy gyllende garas sændan
ic him oðerne eft wille sændan
fleogende flane forane togeanes
ut lytel spere gif hit her inne sy ·
sæt smið sloh seax
lytel iserna wund swiðe
ut lytel spere gif her inne sy ·
syx smiðas sætan /
wælspera worhtan /

ut spere næs in spere /

  1. siðum omitted?
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Read liberet, adiuvet, Contere.
  3. Some of these rude verses are divided in the MS. by faint lines, apparently of the same ink as the writing; these lines are seen in our text.