Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/115

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12 Leg. Bib. [T7iis is the citation recommended for this periodical, LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY, which is issued, at very irregular intervals, by The Boston Book Cotnpany, successors to Charles C. Soule, 15 1-2 Beacon St., Boston. Mass.] ]^^o. 12. All kinds of law books bought and sold by The Boston Book Company, Boston, Mass. January, 1890. A Change in Name. — Since the last issue of Legal Bibliography, The Boston Book Company has been incorporated, with Charles C. Soule as President ; and has acquired Mr. Soule's law-book business. As he will give his whole time to the management of the new corporation, there will be no prac- tical change in the business, except in the direction of greater stability and permanence. A Versified Pun. — This change somewhat qualifies the pertinency of the following verses, received some time since from a correspondent who signs himself "Peter Cloyne." To understand the pun, it is necessary to recall that "Freeman Place Chapel " was formerly a church, occupied at various times by nearly the whole range of religious , . denominations, from Unitarian to Roman Catholic. TO THE VICAR OF FREEM.N PLACE. The changes and chances of Freeman Place Chapel Have been as diverse as the Poles ! Of old Emersonian, — so very Socinian, Then owning allegiance to Papal Dominion ; And now, legal authors, from Coke to Ouintilian, Have changed its " All Saints to " All Soules." Subscription to Leg. Bib. — The only ]3ay we asiv for sending this paper, is that the ; c- eipient shall send in return to The Boston Book Co., Beacon St., Boston, Mass., an order for books, a subscription to The Green Bag, a request for catalogues of new or second-hand books, or a good new or old legal story to enliven our next number. Noteworthy Points. — In this paper the chief novelties are an advertisement of Foster's Federal Practice, a book to be published Feb. i, covering especially and thoroughly the Equity Practice of United States Courts ; a description of the popular new magazine, The Green Bag, perhaps the most immediately and satisfactorily successful legal periodical ever published in this country ; an announcement of the second edition of Wigmore's Australian Ballot System, the only book describing this latest of political re- forms ; and a positively final statement that Chitty's Equity Digest is completed by the issue of the ninth volume. SLMON The Gree> Cornell, and San Francisco. A few other schools, the University of Virginia, for instance, and Lebanon (Tenn.), will be treated in some of the numbers of the year 1890. These articles are all illustrated by excellent pictures of build- ings and professors, interesting not only to graduates, but to all lawyers familiar with our American system of legal education. The sets named below are ofiered at the very reasonable prices quoted. In only one or two cases lia'e we more than one set, and we cannot duplicate prices after the sets now in stock are sold. AMERICAN REPORTS, ETC. United States Supreme Court Reports (Lawyers' Co-operative Edition). 130 vols, in 32, and 2 vols. Digest. A handsome set $145.00 United States Supreme Court Reports (" fully annotated and official copy- righted edition"). 132 vols, in 102. A fine set 225.00 Mypr's Federal Decisions. 30 ols. Extra fine set 150 00 Federal Reporter. 36 vols, and 2 vols. Digest 125.00 American and English Railroad Cases. Full set. 3S vols, and 2 vols. A fine set : . . 145 00 American and English Corporation Cases. A full set, 25 vols, and Digest. A fine set 100.00 American Railway Reports. Complete. 21 vols. Fine set 100.00 United States Statutes at Large. 25 vols, and Index New York Common Law Reports. So vols, in 17, and Digest. A /laiidsonn set Massachusetts Reports. Full set. 14S original vols, and Digest. A fine set 245.00 Iowa Reports. Complete. 76 vols. Frne 75.00 70.00 GREEXLEAF. Bag f.-)r Janaar 140.00 18S9.] Second-Haud Law Books at Low Prices — We have just issued (January, 1890) List No. 20: Last Editions of Text-Books, Second- hand; and List No. 21: Second-Hand Text-Books not of Last Edi- tions. These will be mailed without charge to any address on application. Legal Portraits. — If you could get in one volume excellent portraits of nearly a hundred of the leading judges and lawyers of America, would you not jump at the chance But you can get them in Vol. I. of The Green Bag (described on another page). Future volumes will contain illustrated articles on the Supreme Courts of the several States. Such a series, if it ever gets " out of print and scarce," would bring twenty-five dollars a volume, or some such fabu- lous price. Graduates of Law Schools. — All law-school graduates will be interested in the valuable series of articles on the leading American law schools, which has been running through the numbers of The Green Bag for the year 1889. The schools thus described have been Harvard, Boston, Pennsylvania, Columbia (N.Y.), Michigan, Yale, St. Louis, Union (Chicago), Iowa, Buffalo, Minnesota Reports. Complete. 38 vols. and Eller's Digest, 2 vols 130.00 Mississippi Reports. Complete. 65 vols; and Chancery, 2 vols. A handsome set 350.00 Good . 160.00 225.00 15-50 50.00 25.00 American Reports. 60 vols, and 3 vols. Digest, Arkansas Reports. Complete. 47 vols. A fine set United States Digest. Old Series. Annuals to 1871. 31 vols. . . United States Digest. New Series. Vols. 1-16 (1S72-S5) and Gener.l Digest, 3 vols. (18S6-SS) United States Patent Office Reports. 53 ^ "Is- Cloth. 1847-71 . Pickering's Reports (Mass.). 24 vols 20.00 Metcalf's Reports (Mass.). 13 vols 13-00 Curtis's Decisions of the United States Supreme Court, — Dallas, Cranch, Wheaton, Peters, and i-17 Howard. In 22 vols 2200 Johnson's New York Chancery Reports. 20 vols 12.50 Opinions of Attorney-General. Vols. 1-16. A fine set 30.00 National Bankruptcy Register Reports. Vols. 1-18 and Digest . . 40.00 United States First Comptroller's Decisions. 1S80-S5. 6 vols. . 15.00 Wait's Actions and Defences. 9 vols. Fine set 30.00 Address The Boston Book Co. (diaries C. Soule, BresidentJ. Boston, Mass,