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2 THE BOSTON BOOK COMPANY'S American Law Review. 22 vols. A fine sd ^40.00 American Law Register. 32 vols. Neivly hound set 40.00 Albany Law Journal. 28 vols. A fine set 4000 Central Law Journal. 25 vols, and Index. A fine set 45.00 Eastern Reporter. 11 vols. Fine set 1100 ENGLISH REPORTS, ETC. The Jurist (Reports). 1837-67. Full set. 55 vols. Handsomely bound in half calf $110 .00 English Chancery Reports (American Reprint). Complete. 69 vols- A fine set 150.00 The Law Times and Reports. 1843-58. 34 vols. Folio, cloth (being the whole of the series to the beginning of the Law Times Reports, new series) 60.00 The Law Times Reports. New Series. 1S59-1882. 46 vols., half calf 150.00 Howell's State Trials. 34 vols. A handsome, newly bound, half mo- rocco set 110.00 Moak's English Reports. 30 vols, and Digest 45-°° English Exchequer Reports (American Reprint). 47 vols, and Index 80.00 English Admiralty Reports (Ameri- can edition). 9 vols. Newly bound ^45. 00 Moore's Indian Appeals. 14 vols. Newly bound set 100.00 Jacob's Fisher's Digest. Complete. II vols. A fine set 16.50 House of Lords Cases (American re- print). II vols 27.50 Vesey, Jr.'s, Reports (best English edition). 22 vols. A fine set. . . 30.00 East's King's Bench Reports. 16 vols. London, 1801. A fine set . 12.00 English Railway and Canal Cases. 7 vols. Newly bound tn full calf . 40.00 Cox's Magistrates' Cases. 13 vols. A fine set 75 0° Rolls of Parliament, t 298-1 503. Folio. To the laws thus given in full or summarized, are added Comparative Notes, explaining their accord or difference. The Second Edition also contains additional matter as follows: A Summary of the Legislation and Attempts at Legislation of the Year 1889 on this Subject; A Collection of Judicial Decisions Interpreting the System in Countries where it has been ah-eady adopted ; Estimates of the Speed and Expense of Voting ; Suggestions as to Ballot Leagues ; Summary of Party Votes on Ballot Reform, etc. Every citizen who takes an intelligent interest in politics ought to own and read this treatise, the only book which covers the subject. Price, in cloth binding, $1.50 net. 7 vols. Fine set The Law Magazine and Review. Complete to 187 1. 87 vols. Cloth Scotch Journal of Jurisprudence. 32 vols, to i883 inclusive. A fine set Weekly Notes of Cases. 1866-1888. 23 vols. A fine set 69.00 50.00 87.00 96.00 FAVOR THE AUSTRAL- IAN BALLOT? Hon. GEORGE SHARSWOOD. [From The Green Bao for March, The great practical question in nearly every State, this winter, is on the adoption of the Australian Ballot System. The very satisfactory results which attended its operation in Massachu.setts at the fall elections, have renewed public interest elsewhei'e ; and no man who takes a conscientious citizen's interest in politics can afford to remain ignorant of the nature and effect of this latest political reform. Fortu- nately, there is an inexpensive but thorough little treatise, whichMraces from its birth the history of the " Australian Ballot," and follows its ope- ration through different countries, down to the laws proposed and adopted in the States of our Union. This treatise is Wigmore's Australian Ballot Svstem. It was first printed early in the year 1S89, but the reform has since then been the subject of so much discussion and legis- lation that a new edition was required, and was published in October, 1S89. In this new and enlarged edition, the Introduction gives a his- tory of the origin and growth of the method of secret balloting which has come to be known as " The Australian System." The body of the book includes the Secret Ballot laws adopted as proposed in Massachu- setts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Indiana, Wisconsin, Min- nesota, Montana, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and in other American States. Also in Great Britain, Canada, Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia, Manitoba, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, New Zealand, Tas- mania, South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, West Australia, Queensland, and in Belgium, Luxembourg, Norway, Italy, Austria, and other European Countries. Mr. Justice Brewer. — The January number of The Green Bag will contain an excellent portrait of Hon. David J. Brewer, of Kansas, recently appointed to fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court of the United States. Hon. S. D. Thompson. — The portrait of this eminent legal author and editor — whose features are not so familiar to the profession as his works — will appear as frontispiece in the February number of The Green Bag. Jeremiah Mason. — Have you ever seen a portrait of this famous advocate? So far as we know, none has ever come into print, until the editor of The Green Bag had the oil paint- ing in the State Library, at Concord, N. H., photographed and reproduced in his number for November, 1889. The result is a very at- tractive picture, — with the combined qualities of an oil painting and a photograph. Published when ready. — In answer to inquiries of some impatient subscribers. We would say that The Green Bag has no regular day of publication. As it eschews everything "useful," it does not need to be brought up to any particular date. When the contributors, and the editor, and the Photogravure Company, and the printer, get things all amicably arranged, each successive number appears, and is mailed, — usually somewhere between the tenth and fifteenth of the month. It is natural for sub- scribers to feel eager to get hold of their G. B., hut we beg them to wait with w^hat patience they can command until it gets along. Good Solid Magazine Reading. — To thoughtful lawyers who wish to keep informed as to the advanced opinion of their profession, we commend The Law Quarterly Review of London, England, and The Juridical Review (also quarterly) of Edinburgh, Scotland^ Sub- scriptions, $2.75 and I3.50 respectively ; received by The Boston Book Company. Browne Dom. Rel. : New Edition. — We are just passing through the press The Second Revised Edition of Browne's Elements of the Law of Domestic Rel.^tions, and Employer and Employed. As is already well known, this excellent little treatise contains the substance of a course of lec- tures delivered before the Albany Law School, by Irving Browne (see portrait frontispiece in The Green Bag for December, 1889), — editor of the Albany Law Journal and The American Reports. The price of this edition will be, for leatherette binding, $2.00 net ; for sheep binding, $2.50 net. Executors and Administrators. — The Second Edition of Schouler on Executors and AoMiNisTRA'ro,,., called for by the popularity and exten- sive sale of this purely American treatise on an important topic, was published in 1889. Generally used by lawyers, cited as authority in the courts, character- ized by all the well-known accuracy and perspicuity of the learned author, this treatise should stand by the side of his work on Wills, on the .shelves of every lawyer's library. Contracts. — Have you, for your own use and the use of students reading law in your office, any succinct and thoroughly reliable one-volume American work on the elements of the Law of Contract ■? If not, — do not fail to get the latest edition (Heard's, 1888) of Metcalf on Contracts (see citation 146 Mass. 60 and 474) — price only $3.50 net. Books delivered free of charge. — Where cash accompanies the order (but not otherwise) we deliver the books ordered by mail, express, or freight, without expense to the purchaser. Address The Boston Book Co. (Charles C. Soule, President), Boston, Mass.