Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/13

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SOULE & BUGBEE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 7 A NEW FIRM OF LAW-BOOKSELLERS, Mr. CHARLES C. SOULE (from 1869 to 1878 a member of the firm of Soule, Thomas, and Wentworth, of St. Louis ; and from 1878 to May, 1881, a member of the firm of Little, Brown, & Co., of Boston) and Mr. JAMES M. BUGBEE of Boston have formed a partnership under the style of SOULE & BUGBEE, for the purpose of publishing and selling law-books. On the ist of January, 18S2, they will occupy the large store No. 37 Court Street, Boston, directly opposite tlie front of the Court House. Until that date, they have taken temporary quarters in Sears Building, with entrance at No. 12 Court Street. They announce for the present the following list of publications : — NEW BOOKS NOW READY. NEW BOOKS IN PRESS OR PREPARATION. CASES ON THE LAW OF BILLS AND NOTES. By Pro- fessor James Barr Ames of the Harvard Law-School. 2 volumes. Half calf, $12.00 net. ODDITIES OF THE LAW. By Franklln Fiske Heard. Cloth, $1.50. CURIOSITIES OF THE LAW-REPORTERS. Second Edition. (Si.xth thousand.) By F. F. Heard. Cloth, $1.50. IMPORTANT ENGLISH STATUTES 1100-1874. Royal octavo. Cloth, $1.25 net. THE REPORTERS. By Joii. W. Wallace. Fourth Edition, re- vised and greatly enlarged. THE LAWYERS' REFERENCE MANUAL. STAR-CHAMBER CASES. A reprint. SHELDON ON SUBROGATION. STANDARD BOOKS TRANSFERRED TO US. SOULE'S DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH SYNONYMES. Cloth, $2.00; half calf, $3.50. LAW-CASES FROM WILLIAM I. TO RICHARD I. (Placita Anglo-Normannica.) By Professor Melville M. Bicelow of Boston University School of Law. Cloth, $4.00 net ; half calf, $5.50 net. Announcements of other new books which we have in hand will be made from time to time in future numbers of this paper and in the leading law-journals. Messrs. SOULE & BUGBEE intend to buy and sell all kinds of law-books. Among the books which they will keep in stock, or concerning which they will furnish information, will be — Recent Text-Books, and Volumes of Reports. The Standard Elementary Works, of the latest editions. The Latest Revised Statutes of the States and Territories. The Local Law-Books of all the States. Full Sets, or Odd Volumes, of American and English Reports. Rare and Out-of-print Law-Books, at m.oderate prices. Reports of Noted Trials, — Civil, Criminal, Ecclesiastical, and Military. Second-hand or Shelf-worn Text-Books, of the l.-itest editions. Second-hand Text-Books, of old editions, at low prices. Second-hand Reports, American and English. Laws and Session-Acts, Old and New, of all the States or Territo- ries. Pamphlets and Monographs on Legal Subjects. The Text-Books, Reports, and Statutes of England, Scotland, Ireland,, and the British Colonies. The Principal Law-Books of the Continental Countries of Europe. The Codes or Revised Laws of all Civilized Countries and Colonies. Legal Biographies, Collections of Speeches, and other books of inci- dental interest to Lawyers.- Portraits of Eminent Authors, Judges, and Lawyers. They invite inquiries and coixespondence in regard to any of these items, and will take as much interest and pains in finding an odd volume, or an old edition, for a student, as in filling large orders for hbraries. They will buy libraries, or second-hand law-books of any kind, v/hen offered on reasonable terms. As to prices on new books, they can only engage to sell as low as other responsible booksellers. The princijial advantage in this respect which they can offer to customers, will be the choice from their large stock of shelf-worn and second-hand books, at lower rates than those at which new books can be sold. This paper (Legal Bibliogr.'phy) will be issued occasionally, and will be mailed free of charge to all who express a wish to receive it. ADDRESS LETTERS TO SOULE & BUGBEE, IS COXJS.T STI^EIEIT, BOSTOHSr, [IVE^SS..