Page:Legal Bibliography, Numbers 1 to 12, 1881 to 1890.djvu/14

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SOULE & BUGBEE'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN, & CO.'S NEW BOOKS. GARFIELD'S WORDS. Suggestive passages from the j public and private writings of James Abram Garfield. Com- I piled by William Ralston Balch. With a memoir, and fine steel portrait. " Little Classic " style $i.oo. HOME BALLAD3. By Bayard Taylor. Beautifully illustrated; tastefully bound. 8vo. Cloth, $5.00; morocco or tree calf $9.00. COUNTRY BY-WAYS. By Sarah Orne Jeweit, author of " Deephaven," etc. " Little Classic " style . . . $1.25. ARNE. By Bjornstjerne Bjornson. Authorized American 1 edition, translated from the Norwegian by Professor R. B. i Anderson. i6mo . $1.00. [ SYNNOVE SOLBAKKEN. By Bjornstjerne Bjorn- ! son. Fine portrait. lomo. Tastefully bound . . . $1.00. HOLMES'S POEMS. Handy-volume edition. An entirely new and beautiful edition of the Poetical Works of O.LIVER Wendell Holmes. Containing all the poems included in previous editions, with several pieces written since, and a new prefatory poem. 2 vols. i8mo. With fine portrait. Cloth, gilt top, $2.50; half calf, $5.00; morocco, tree calf,or seal, $0.00. GLOBE DE QUINCEY. The Complate Works of Thomas De Quincey. New Globe edition, uniform with the Globe Dickens, Cooper, Hawthorne, and Waverley. Complete in six volumes. JS^Soid only in sets. Cloth, $10.00; half calf $20.00. THE CHILDREN'S BOOK. Edited by Horace E. ScuD- DER, author of the " Dodley Books." 4to. 450 large double- column pages. Colored frontispiece by RosiNA E.mmet, and many illustrations. Beautifully bound $3.50. THE REPUBLIC OF GOD. By Elisha Mulford, LL.D., author of the " The Nation." 8vo $2.00 THE PHILOSOPHY OF CARLYLE. By Edwin D. Mead. 161110 $1.00. ENGLAND WITHOUT AND WITHIN. By Rich- ard Grant White, author of "Words and their Uses," " Every-Day English," etc. i2mo $2.00. THE THEISTIC ARGUMENT AS AFFECTED BY RECENT THEORIES. By J. L. Diman, late Professor of History at Brown University. Edited by Professor George P. Fisher of Yale College. 8vo $2.00. STANDARD WORKS FOR THE LIBRARY. GLACIERS. By Nathaniel S. Shale;;, Professor of Paleontology in Har- vard University, and William M. Davis, Instructor in Ge- j ology in Harvard University. Illustrated with 25 full-page Heliotypes, and many Diagrams and Cuts in the Text. One vol. Large folio. Gilt top. Price $10.00. The illustrations are twenty-five in number; being, for the most part, very precise and picturesque full-page Heliotype re- productions of photographs by Braun of Dornach, and other celebrated artists, representing the Mer de Glace, Allalin Gla- cier, Merjelen Lake, Mont Blanc, the Grimsel, and views of other Swiss glaciers, and in the Himalayas, Norway, Colorado, and New England. " This magnificent contribution of art to science." - - Engineer- ins and Mining Journal. " A valuable monument of American scholarship and enter- prise." — JVezv York Tribune. mmm mmku> extinct within HISTORIC Tli^ES. together with some account of BRITISH WILD WHITE CATTLE. By J. E. Hakting, F.L.S., F.Z.S. With illustrations by Joseph Wolff and others, i vol. 8vo. Gilt top. $4.50. "A book for which all lovers of natural history will be grate- ful." — The Academy (London). " A storehouse in which students will find a mass of valuable information." — The Saturday Review. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BOOKS, NEW AND SECOND-HAND, for sale at the lowest prices. Subscriptions to all leading periodicals received at the lowest club rates. W. B. CLARKE & CARRUTH, 340 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. ST. LOUIS LAW- SCHOOL LAW DEPARTMENT OF WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY. INSTRUCTORS. William G. Hammond, LL.D. (late Chancellor of Law De- partment State University of Iowa), Dean of Faculty. Henry Hitchcock, LL.D., Constitutional Law and Equity. Samuel Treat, LL.D., U. S. District Judge, E. Dist., Mo. George A. Madill, Real Property. Chester H. Krum, Pleading and Practice, and Evidence. Gustavus a. Finkelnburg, Contracts, etc. Albert Todd, Land Titles and Conveyancing. George W. Cline, Criminal Law. The fifteenth annual term of this well-known School will begin Oct. 12, i83r, at the St. Louis Law-School Building, 1417 Lucas Place; The course covers two annual terms of seven clear months each, with two weeks' vacation at the holidays. A law library of over 3,000 volumes in the school-building is open every day and evening for the exclusive use of the students without charge. Those of narrow means may there complete the course without expense for books. Dr. W.-G. Hammond will devote his entire time to the school, employing the methods used by him for the last thirteen years at Iowa City, in addition to the course heretofore taught by the veiy distinguished gentlemen of this faculty, who have taught here in previous years. TUITION, $80 PER YEAR. For prizes, scholarship, etc., see catabgue of 1880-81, which will be sent on application to WILLIAM G. HAMMOND, 1417 LUCAS PLACE, ST. LOUIS, MO. FIRST OLD BOOK CATALOGUE. just issued by ESTES & LAURIAT, 301-305 WASHINGTON STREET, OPPOSITE OLD SOUTH .... BOSTON. Illustrated, standard, and rare books at very low prices. Free to any address. Send postal. SAMUEL HOBBS & CO., Stalionefs, Litliograptiefs, aod Printers. Staple and Fancy Stationery of all kinds. Stock Certificates and Mining Books a specialty. Fancy Note-Papcrs and Envelopes. Pocketbooks, etc., in great variety. m DEVONSHIRE, AND 30 AND 32 ARCH STS., BOSTON.

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of price, by the Publishers, HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN, & CO., BOSTON, MASS. LAW-LIBRARIES and SECOND-HAND LAW-BOOKS PURCHASED OR APPRAISED BY SOULE & BUGBEE, LAW-BOOKSELLERS, Importers and Publishers, 12 COURT STREET, BOSTON. THE PORTABLE BOOKCASE. (patented.) FOR OFFICE OR PARLOR USE. Solid and permanent, and yet easily removable. Nothing so good for law-books: shelves being adjustable for books of all sizes. Prices from $16.00 to $25.00, and will be delivered free in almost any city in the country at these prices. Send for descrip- tive circular, or for information for cases to fit special spaces in offices or residences. Address the sole makers, LOCKWOOD, BROOKS, & CO., 381 Washington Street, Boston. COINS OF THE JEWS. Being a History of the Jewish Coinage and Money in the Old and New Testaments. By Frederick W. Madden, M.R.A.S., Member of the Nu- mismatic Society of London, Secretary of the Brighton College, etc. With 279 Woodcuts (chiefly by the eminent artist-anti- quary, F. W. Fairholt, F.S.A.) and a Plate of Alphabets. I vol. Royal quarto. Pp. xii. and 330. Price $12.00. " The publication of the late M. de Saulcy's ' Numismatique de la Terre-Sainte ' has rendered it unnecessary to reproduce the coins of the smaller towns of Palestine; but, with this exception, Mr. Madden's new work will represent a complete history of the Jewish coinage from the earliest times to the destruction of Jerusalem and the building of TElia Capitolina by order of the Emperor Hadrian." — The Academy (London). WINCKELMANN'S HISTORY OF ANCIENT ART Translated from the German by Dr. G. H. Lodge. 2 vols. Svo. $9.00. A new edition of this unique classic, with 75 fine copperplate engravings. Winckelmann has been translated into five lan- guages, as the most important work on ancient aesthetics; and the copious annotations of various German, Italian, and English critics, are attached to the new Boston edition. The fine arts of ancient Greece and Italy are described with luminous precision, and with a multitude of details of fascinating interest. " Winckelmann's style resembles an ancient work of art. Each thought steps forth, fashioned in all its parts, .and stands there, noble, simple, lofty, complete. It — Herder. " All lovers of art and beauty, all a:stheticians, all students of Greek, all readers of high literature who once taste the spirit of Winckelmann, will return to him again and again, as the thirsty wanderer returns to fresh water. And, like fresh water, the knowledge offered to the world by Winckelmann is pure, cool, and calm: it quenches the thirst, and it satisfies." — Boston Advertiser. Our Books are sold uy all Booksellers. Sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, by tJie PiMishers, JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO.. BOSTON.