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We have lived, to ſee more Perſons illegally ſeiz’d, whipt, fined, impriſon’d, impeach’d, attainted and executed, within the Compaſs of One Year, than our Hiſtories can ſhew us in Two Hundred before.

We have lived, and we yet live to be trampled upon, by the vileſt, the moſt ignominious of all Tyranny, the Tyranny of Miniſters, the Tyranny of Fellow Subjects, raiſed from the Dirt of Faction, ſupported by Senates, choſen and directed by Corruption.

We were contented to forget the paſt Injuries, when we heard from the Throne, that Peace and Tranquility were ſettled in Europe; that all Fears of Foreign Invaſions were over, and we were quietly eſtabliſhed at home, when we were graciouſly adviſed to be intent upon recovering our Loſſes, and to imploy our utmoſt Induſtry and Diligence in retrieving Commerce and reſtoring Trade.

This pleaſing Scene gave us new Life, and we began to rejoice in the Proſpect of future Felicity, when another Voice was heard from the Miniſtry; and becauſe in Times of Tranquility, handing Armies might be thought a Grievance, a new
