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kind of War was contrived, a Plague was denounced, Forces were decreed to be kept on Foot to defend us from the Almighy, and to reſiſt the very Hand of God. Impious and Execrable! when our Perſons were become free from the Suſpicion of Treaſon, a Law was made to make us liable to the Suſpicion of Infection, that when our Goals are empty, our Peſt-Houſes may be filled at their Pleaſure.

Upon this amazing Reſolution, we ſaw the City of London, the Metropolis of England, the moſt famous, and once the moſt flouriſhing City in the Univerſe, like a weeping Matron, appearing at that Bar, which is called the Dernier Reſort of Juſtice and Equity; we ſaw her waiting with all Duty and all Humility, imploring only to be heard, but ſent imperiouſly away in Deſpair, with Minaces inſtead of Redreſſes.

For ever bleſſed be thoſe Glorious Names which ſtand upon Record, proteſting againſt ſo inſolent an Adminiſtration! What are we then to expect from ſuch a Set of raſh and daring Politicians, as openly bid Defiance to God and Man? Is there the leaſt Hopes remaining, but in the Union of honeſt Men, true Lovers of their Country; who,
