Page:Letter to the Reverend Mr. Michael Potter, minister of the gospel at Kippen, as an answer of his letter to the Reverend Mr. Ebenezer Erskine.pdf/5

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tation, in order to flop the ſucceſs of the goſpel in their hands, which is an evident token to every ſerious ſoul, that the cauſe they have taken in hand, is the cauſe of CHRIST, becauſe the Devil and the men of the world are ſo much oppoſing it, and doing all in their power to ſuppreſs it; John xv. 19. If ye were of this world, the world would love its own, but becauſe ye are not of the world, but I have choſen you out of the world, therefore the world hatcth you; and ver. 20. If they have perſecuted me, they will alſo perſecute you; but for my part, whatever the world and reproachful tongues may advance against them, I think I ſee more than an ordinary meaſure of the ſpirit of GOD aſſiſting them in their miniſterial labours, and I am verily perſuaded their labours are not without ſucceſs in fever corners in Scotland; and it is ſtrange to me, or any well thinking ſoul, how that the Pope or his emiſſaries ſhould make uſe of ſuch an inſtrument to advance his kingdom of darkneſs, for I truly think, if there be any enemies to his kingdom in this land, they are ; and how that the Pope can think to enlarge his kingdom by theſe brethren, is a great deep for any well thinking ſoul to comprehend. Our Lord JESUS ſays expreſly Math. xii. 25. And JESUS knowing their thoughts, Said unto them, Every kingdom divided againſt itſelf is Brought to deſolation, and every house or city divided againſt itſelf fall not ſtand ver. 26. And if Satan caſt out Satan he is divided againſt himſelf, how then ſhall his kingdom ſtand?

But now to give a more particular anſwer to the reverend Mr. Potter; Mr. Erskine docs

not ſay, that you did take in hand to prove that
