Page:Letter to the Reverend Mr. Michael Potter, minister of the gospel at Kippen, as an answer of his letter to the Reverend Mr. Ebenezer Erskine.pdf/6

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he received money or bills from Rome, but that it was only told him by a private perſon, whom he did not name, that you ſaid it, and only wanted you to clear your ſelf in a private letter to him; but I cannot find any thing in your anſwer that favours any thing of a goſpel ſpirit, which ought to be in every miniſter of the goſpel of the meek and lowly JESUS, Matt. xi. 29. Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart. See i Pet. ii. 2-5. Who when he was reviled he reviled not again; when he ſuffered he threatened not, but committed himſelf to him that judgeth righteouſly. See likeways the example of the holy Apoſtle Paul, i Cor. iv. 12. Being reviled, we bleſs; being perſecuted, we ſuffer it But I cannot find in the whole of your letter any thing of the leaſt favour of ſuch a ſpirit; but on the other hand, to expreſs yourſelf by way of banter,in ſuch fooliſh like discourſe,as lays both yourſelf and him open to the carnal world to laugh and jeer at you it puts a object in their Hands to mock and ridicule religion, and lays a ſtumbling block in the way of the righteous. It is much to be lamented that there is ſo much mocking at religion and thoſe that worſhip GOD, altho’ thoſe that are miniſters of the goſpel give no occaſion to ſuch an abounding ſin. But now what I would ſay to you, and all others, both miniſters and people that entertain ſuch reproaches in his name, whom I, for my part, Take to be faithful in the cauſe of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, and as labouring with all his might to maintain the rights and royal prerogatives of our great King of Zion. Now if you know that to be a truth that is laid to his charge,

why do you not, for the love that you ought to
