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in the Kingdoms of Bengal, Babar, and Oriſſa; ſuch Salaries to take place and commence, in reſpect of all ſuch Perſons, who ſhall be reſident in Great Britain, at the Time of their Appointment, from the Day on which ſuch Perſons ſhall embark from Great-Britain, and ſuch Salaries to be in lieu of all Fees of Office, Perquiſites, Emoluments, and Advantages whatſoever, as by the ſaid Act may more plainly and largely appear.

A Court of Record to be called the Supreme Court of Judicature.Now know ye, that we, upon full Conſideration of the Premiſes, and of Our eſpecial Grace, certain Knowledge and mere Motion, have thought fit to grant, direct, ordain and appoint, and by theſe Preſents, We do accordingly, for Us, Our Heirs and Succeſſors, grant, direct, ordain and appoint, that there ſhall be, within the Factory of Fort-William at Calcutta, in Bengal a Court of Record, which ſhall be called The Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal: And We do hereby create, direct and conſtitute, the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, to be a Court of Record.

To conſiſt of a Chief Juſtice and 3 Puiſne Juſtices;And We do further will, ordain and appoint, that the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, ſhall conlist of, and be holden by and before One principal Judge, who ſhall be, and be called, the Chief Juſtice of the Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, and Three other Judges, who ſhall be, and be called, the Puiſne Juſtices of the Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal; thier qualifcation; to be appointed by the King under the Great Seal. which ſaid Chief Juſtice and Puiſine Juſtices ſhall be Barriſters in England, or Ireland, of not leſs than Five Years ſtanding, to be named and appointed, from Time to Time, by Us, Our Heirs and Succeſſors, by Letters Patent, under Our and their Great Seal of Great Britain; they all and every of them hold their ſaid Offices, ſeverally and reſpectively, during the Pleaſure of Us, Our Heirs and Succeſſors, and not otherwiſe.
