Page:Letters Patent, Establishing a Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William, in Bengal.pdf/15

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To be juſtices of the Peace, in Bengal, Bahar, and Oriſſa; And And it is Our further Will and Pleaſure, that the laid Chief Juſtice, and the ſaid Puiſne Juſtices, ſhall ſeverally and reſpectively be, and they are all and every of them hereby appointed, to be Juſtices and Conſervators of the Peace, and Coroners, within and throughout the ſaid Provinces, Diſtricts, and Countries of Bongel, Babar, and Orifa, and every part thereof; and to have ſuch Authority as the Juſtices of the King's-Bench in England; Juriſdiction, and Authority, as Our Juſtices of Our Court of King's-Bench have may lawfully exerciſe, within chat Part of Great-Britain, called England, by the common Lew thereof, and We further will and ordain, that all Judgments, Rules, Orders, and Acts of Authority or Power whatſoever, to be made or done by the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort William in the Four, the Majority, to concur. Bengal, ſhall be made or done, by and with the Concurrence of the ſaid Four Judges, or ſo many, or ſuch One of them, as ſhall be on ſuch Occaſions reſpectively aſſembled, or ſitting as a Court, or of the major Part of them, ſo afſembled and ſitting: Chief Juſtice to have a caſting Voice. Provided always, that in caſe they ſhall be equally divided, the Chief Juſtice, or, in his Abſence, the Senior Judge preſent, ſhall have a double or caſting Voice.

To have a Seal, to be kept by the Chief Juſtice, or by the Senior Puiſne Judge.And We do further grant, ordain and appoint, that the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, ſhall have and uſe, as Occaſion may require, a Seal, bearing a Device and Impreſſion of Our Royal Arms, within an Exergue or Label furrounding the ſame, with this Inſcription, The Seal of the Supreme Court: And We do hereby grant, ordain and appoint, that the ſaid Seal ſhall be delivered to, and kept in the Cuſtody of the ſaid Chief Juſtice; and in caſe of Vacancy of the Office of Chief Juſtice, the fame ſhall be delivered. over, and kept in the Cuſtody of ſuch Perſon, who ſhall then be Senior Puiſne Judge, during ſuch Vacancy; and We do hereby grant, ordain and appoint, that whenfoever it shall happen that the Office of Chief Juſtice, of of the Judge, to whom the Cuſtody of the ſaid Seal be committed, ſhall be vacant, the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, ſhall be, and is hereby: authorized and empowered, to demand, ſeize, and take the ſaid Seal, fromany