Page:Letters Patent, Establishing a Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William, in Bengal.pdf/41

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and let out, Tranſport-Money, Maritime Uſury or Bottomry, or to Extortions, Treſpaſſes, Injuries, Complaints, Demands and Matters,Civil and Maritime, what ſoever, between Merchants, Owners,and Proprietors of Ships and Veſſels, employed or uſed within the Juriſdiction aforeſaid, or between others, contracted, done,Extent of Juriſdiction, which is to be exerciſed as in Great-Britain, without the ſtrict Formalities of Law. had or commenced, in, upon, or by the Sea or publick Rivers, or Ports, Creeks, Harbours and Places overflown, within the ebbing and flowing of the Sea and High-Water Mark, within, about and throughout the ſaid Three Provinces, Countries or Diſtricts, of Bengal, Babar, and Oriſſa, and all the ſaid Territories or Iſlands adjacent thereunto, and dependent thereupon, the Cognizance whereof doth belong to the Juriſdiction of the Admiralty, as the ſame is uſed and exerciſed, in that Part of Great-Britain, called England, together with all and ſingular their Incidents, Emergents, and Dependencies, annexed and. connexed Cauſes whatſoever, and to proceed ſummarily therein, with all poſſible Diſpatch, according to the Courſe of Our Admiralty of that Part of Great-Britain, called England, without the ſtrict Formalities of Law, conſidering only the Truth of the Fact, and the Equity of the Caſe.

Further Power in regard to Crimes Maritime;And We do further commit to the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, full Power and Authority, to enquire, hear, try, examine and determine, by the Oaths of honeſt and lawful Men, being Our Britiſh Subjects, reſident in the ſaid Town of Calcutta, and not otherwiſe, all Treaſons, Murders, Piracies, Robberies, Felonies, Maimings, Foreſtalling, Extortions, Treſpaſſes, Miſdemeanors, Offences, Exceſſes and Enormities, and Maritime Crimes whatſoever, according to the Laws and Cuſtoms of the Admiralty, in that Part of Great-Britain, called England, done, perpetrated or committed upon the High Seas, within the Limits and Juriſdiction aforeſaid; to puniſh Offenders;and to fine, impriſon, correct, puniſh, chaftiſe and reform Parties guilty, and all Violators of the Law, Uſurpers, Delinquents, contumacious Abſenters, Maſters of Ships, Mariners, Rowers, Fishers, Shipwrights, and other Workmen, exerciſing any Kind of Maritime Affairs, according to the ſaid Civil and MaritimeLaws,