Page:Letters Patent, Establishing a Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William, in Bengal.pdf/42

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Laws, Ordinances, and Cuſtoms, and their reſpective Demerits; and to deliver and diſcharge them; and to deliver and diſcharge Perfons impriſoned in that Behalf, who ought to be delivered, and to take Recognizances, Obligations, Stipulations and Cautions, as well to Our Uſe as at the Inſtance of other Parties, and to put the ſame in Execution, or to cauſe or command them to be executed; may arreft Ships, &c. and alſo to arreſt, or cauſe or command to be arreſted, according to the Civil Law, and the ancient Cuſtoms of Our High Court of Admiralty, in that Part of Great-Britain, called England, all Ships, Perſons, Things, Goods, Wares and Merchandizes, for the Premiſes, and every of them, and for other Cauſes whatſoever, concerning the ſame, wherefoever they ſhall be met with or found, in or throughout the ſaid Diſtricts, and Juriſdictions aforeſaid; to compel Perſons to appear, under Penalties; and to compel all Manner of Perſons in that Behalf, as the Caſe ſhall require, to appear and anſwer in the ſaid Court, with Power of uſing any temporal Coertion, and inflicting Mulcts and Penalties, according to the Laws and Cuſtoms aforeſaid; Witneſſes to anſwer according to the Law Civil and Maritime, as is now uſed in Great-Britain. and moreover to compel. Witneſſes, in cafe they ſhould withdraw themſelves for Intereſt, Fear, Favour, or Ill-Will, or other Cauſe whatſoever, to give Evidence to the Truth, in all and every the Cauſe or Cauſes above-mentioned, according to the Exigencies of the Law, and to proceed in ſuch Cauſe or Cauſes, according to the Civil and Maritime Laws and Cuſtoms, as well as of mere Office mixed, or promoted, at the Inſtance of any Party, as the Caſe may require, and to promulge and interpoſe all Manner of Sentences and Decrees, and put the ſame in Execution, according to the Courſe and Order of the Admiralty, as the ſame is now uſed in that, Part of Great-Britain, called England.

Affidavits and Affirmations in the Court of Admiralty, And We do hereby ordain and appoint, that all Affidavits, taken in the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, or before any Juſtice thereof, ſhall be made on Oaths adminiſtered in ſuch Form and Manner as is, before directed in the Caſe of Witneſſes, to be examined before the ſaid: Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal; and that in all Civil Caſes, the Affirmation in Writing of a Quaker, which the ſaid Court, or anyJuſtice