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like the Cape very much, though it is less pretty than Rio or Madeira.

Wright and Jones went out riding yesterday, attended by six ‘beaux,’ and rode to Constantia, and at the public-house where they baited, they found a landlady who had come from Bromley, and knew dear Eden Farm, and all about all of us. It is very pleasant to have friends in Africa. We have only Asia to do now, and then may go home, having seen the world. George has bought some bulbs, which are going home in the ‘Liverpool,’ and one box is intended for —— and Mary to divide between them. There never was anything like the beauty of the ixias here, and the bulbs look like good ones.

Good-bye—God bless you all!

Your affectionate

E. E.

TO ——.

The Cape, December 16, 1835.

We landed on Monday afternoon, all well. We are lodged in a tolerable house, but are much devoured by every species of animal. It is very hot, indeed, till the afternoon. We have