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had some nice drives into the country; live on new potatoes, peas, strawberries, apricots, &c.; are a little oppressed with visitors, but have found some old friends in Lady C. Bell and Mrs. Wauchope, and, altogether, it is a great rest, and the last we shall have till we get to our long home—Calcutta. I wish you could see some of the flowers, &c. George is sending home a lot of bulbs for you. We are writing ten letters apiece to go by ‘Liverpool,’ and there will be a frightful interval between your receiving this and my next. Love to all.

Your most affectionate

E. Eden.

TO ——.

December 16.

We have had some very nice drives; our house is very good in the daytime, but alive at night; it is the general complaint of Cape Town, and very unpleasant. However, they have sent us two brass bedsteads from the ‘Jupiter,’ so that I am much better off now. We drive to-day with the Bells. She has been very civil and is very pleasant, I think, with great remains of beauty. They sent for Ann Wauchope from Simon’s Town, and she was