Page:Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son.djvu/15

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IX. From John Graham, at Hot Springs, Arkansas, to his son, Pierrepont, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago.
Mr. Pierrepont has been investing more heavily in roses than his father thinks his means warrant, and he tries to turn his thoughts to staple groceries. 113
X. From John Graham, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, to his son, Pierrepont, at the Commercial House, Jeffersonville, Indiana.
Mr. Pierrepont has been promoted to the position of traveling salesman for the house, and has started out on the road. 127
XI. From John Graham, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, to his son, Pierrepont, at The Planters' Palace Hotel, at Big Gap, Kentucky.
Mr. Pierrepont's orders are small and his expenses are large, so his father feels pessimistic over his prospects. 141
XII. From John Graham, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, to his son, Pierrepont, at Little Delmonico's, Prairie Centre, Indiana.
Mr. Pierrepont has annoyed his father by accepting his criticisms in a spirit of gentle, but most reprehensible, resignation. 157
XIII. From John Graham, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, to his son, Pierrepont, care of The Hoosier Grocery Co., Indianapolis, Indiana.
Mr. Pierrepont's orders have been looking up, so the old man gives him a pat on the back—but not too hard a one. 177