Page:Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son.djvu/16

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XIV. From John Graham, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, to his son, Pierrepont, at The Travelers' Rest, New Albany, Indiana.
Mr. Pierrepont has taken a little flyer in short ribs on 'Change, and has accidentally come into the line of his father's vision. 191
XV. From John Graham, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, to his son, Pierrepont, at The Scrub Oaks, Spring Lake, Michigan.
Mr. Pierrepont has been promoted again, and the old man sends him a little advice with his appointment. 209
XVI. From John Graham, at the Schweitzerkasenhof, Karlsbad, Austria, to his son, Pierrepont, at the Union Stock Yards, Chicago.
Mr. Pierrepont has shown mild symptoms of an attack of society fever, and his father is administering some simple remedies. 223
XVII. From John Graham, at the London House of Graham & Co., to his son, Pierrepont, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago.
Mr. Pierrepont has written his father that he is getting along famously in his new place. 243
XVIII. From John Graham, at the London House of Graham & Co., to his son, Pierrepont, at the Union Stock Yards in Chicago.
Mr. Pierrepont is worried over rumors that the old man is a bear on lard and that the longs are about to make him climb a tree. 259