C | ||
Cacamatzin, king of Texcoco, I, | 249 | |
note on, | 249 | |
Cacao, I, | 244 | |
Cagoatan, character of country, II. | 239 | |
Caltanmic, I, | 196 | |
Canal, built at Texcoco, II, | 58 | |
Canec, lord of Taiza, II, | 271 | |
conversion of, | 272 | |
Cannibalism, provisions for Indian troops, II, | 104 | |
feasting of the Allies, | 111 | |
Cortes punishes, | 244 | |
Canno, Sebastian del, death of, II, | 349 | |
Cannon, the silver, II, | 211, 212 | |
Catapult, failure of the, II, | 117, 118 | |
Catoche, note on, I, | 127 | |
battle at, | 134 | |
crosses at, | 175 | |
Catzolcin, note on, II, | 161 | |
Causeway, approaching Mexico, I, | 233 | |
camp on the, II, | 70 | |
Cempoal, I, | 190 | |
Chalchuihcuecan, I, | 247 | |
II, | 334 | |
Chalco, I, | 226 | |
II, | 22ff | |
Chapagua, town of, II, | 317 | |
Cherubusco, II, | 54 | |
Chichemecatl, exploits during siege, II, | 31, 98, 102 | |
Chichimecas, expedition against, and note on, II, | 353 | |
Chihuacoatl, II, | 125 | |
Chila, town and lake, II, | 171 | |
Chilapan, town of, II, | 240 | |
Chinantla, events in, and note on, II, | 56, 57 | |
Chirino, Pero Armildez, note on, II, | 230 | |
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his conduct, | 362ff | |
Cholula, note on, I, | 212 | |
embassy from, | 215 | |
arrival of Cortes at, | 216 | |
massacre at, | 217ff | |
feud with Tlascala, | 220 | |
description of city, | 220 | |
Citlatepetl, II, | 146 | |
Citlatlepoc, II, | 56 | |
Civilisation, origins of Mexican, I, | 336ff | |
Coanacochtzin, note on, II, | 13 | |
Coatelicamat, description of his country, I, | 243 | |
Coatlinchan, II, | 14 | |
Coatzacoalco, river of, I, | 245 | |
Coins, values of, I, | 136 | |
Colhua, I, | 225 | |
Columbus, Diego, congress Cuba, I, | 6 | |
note on, | 123 | |
his expedition to Panuco, II, | 170 | |
Communidades, note on, II, | 168 | |
Conspiracy at Vera Cruz, I, 167, | 189 | |
Cordoba, Francisco Fernandez de, expedition, I, | 15, 125 | |
death, | 16 | |
Corral, Cristobal, II, | 43 | |
Cortes, Fernando, birth and family, I, | 3 | |
education and early life, | 4ff | |
quarrel with Velasquez, | 10 | |
appointed commander by Velasquez, | 19, 138 | |
sails for Cozumel, | 25 | |
policy towards Indians, | 25 | |
character of his men, | 26 | |
compared with Cæsar, | 27 | |
dealings with Tapia, 29, | 138ff | |
diplomacy of, | 30ff | |
influences governing his conduct, | 35 | |
Prescott's opinion, | 36, 37 | |
his Christianity, | 38 | |
dialogue with Penn, | 39 | |
justifying motives, | 42 | |
relations with women, | 42ff | |
second marriage, | 44, 55 | |
expedition to Yucatan, | 44 | |
Charnay's estimation of, | 45 | |
friendship for Indians, | 47 | |
later difficulties of, | 49 | |
accusations against, | 50 | |
returns to Spain, | 51 | |
honours conferred on, | 54 | |
his emeralds, | 55 | |
arrival in Mexico, | 57ff | |
expeditions in Pacific Ocean, | 59ff | |
Voltaire's anecdote on, | 61 | |
last letter to Charles V. | 62ff | |
death of, | 66 | |
funeral in Mexico, | 69 | |
mystery of burial place | 69ff | |
last will, | 77ff | |
negotiations at Cozumel, | 139ff | |
rescues Spaniards in Yucatan, | 141 | |
at Tabasco, | 146ff | |
founds Vera Cruz, | 157 | |
first description of Mexico, | 160ff | |
destroys his ships, | 189 | |
at Cempoal, | 190 | |
at Xochimilco, | 194 | |
first news of Tlascala, | 197 | |
his standard, | 203 | |
murmurings against, | 206 | |
alliance with Tlascala, | 207 | |
ideas of justice, | 215 | |
enters Cholula, | 216 | |
massacre and results in Cholula, | 217ff | |
arrives at Chalco, | 226 | |
enters Mexico, | 232 | |
first meeting with Montezuma, | 234 | |
plans to take Montezuma prisoner, | 238 | |
reports on mines and agriculture, | 242-4 | |
searches for harbour, | 245ff | |
describes Mexico, | 256ff |