Valleja, Pedro de, at San Estevan, II, | 174 | |
outgenerals Grijalba, | 183, 184 | |
Vassals, perfidy of the Mexican, II, | 84, 85 | |
doubt the Spaniards, | 98 | |
Velasquez, Diego, conquers Cuba, I, | 6, 7 | |
character, | 7, 8 | |
quarrel with Cortes, | 10ff | |
sends first expedition to mainland, | 16, 131ff | |
second expedition, | 18, 137ff | |
appoints Cortes Captain, | 18 | |
instructions to Cortes, | 19 | |
suspicious of, | 20ff | |
note on, | 125 | |
intrigues with Olid, II, | 213 | |
Vendabal, Francisco Martin, captured at Tacuba, II, | 50, 55 | |
Vera Cruz, I, | 157 | |
reinforcements arrive at, II, | 27 | |
more arrivals at, | 40 | |
ammunition arrives at, | 106 | |
Verdugo, Francisco, II, | 43 | |
Villafaña, Antonio de, his plot and fate, II, | 144, 145 | |
Villafuerte, Rodriquez de, II, | 43 | |
W | ||
Women, Spanish, during the conquest, II, | 99 | |
X | ||
Xatlocan, attack on, II, | 33 | |
Xicotencatl, I, | 204, 303 | |
distrust of Spaniards, | 319 | |
his desertion and death, II, | 63 | |
Xiuhtepec, II, | 46 | |
Xochimilco, I, | 194 | |
note on name of, II, | 49 | |
fighting at, | 49ff | |
Xoloc, capture of and note on, II, | 69 | |
Xuarez, Catalina, courted by Cortes, I, | 11 | |
marriage, | 12 | |
Xuarez, Juan partner of Cortes I, | 7 | |
Xuchitepec, I, | 244 | |
Y | ||
Yasa, river, II, | 287 | |
Yautepeque, II, | 46 | |
Yuca, note on, II, | 243 | |
Yucatan, note on, I, | 123 | |
discovery of, | 127 | |
Spanish prisoners in, | 141 | |
Yuste, Juan, his fate, II, | 30 | |
Z | ||
Zacatula, foundation of, II, | 162 | |
Zalapa, the river II, | 236 | |
Zapotecas, expedition against the, II, | 197 | |
report on expedition, | 351 | |
Zozolla, I, | 317 | |
Zuazo, Alonso de, sent back to Mexico, II, | 233 | |
imprisonment of, | 321 | |
exile of, | 362 | |
Zumarraga, Juan de, appointed president of audiencia, I, | 56 | |
letter to Charles V, | 357ff | |
Zuñiga, Juan de, wife of Cortes I, | 44 |