Sandoval, Gonzalo de, death, I, | 53, 281 | |
note on, II, | 22 | |
expedition to Chalco, | 23ff | |
expedition to Tlascala, | 29ff | |
return to Chalco, | 37, 38 | |
position during siege, | 61 | |
wounded, | 72 | |
sent to help Otomies, | 103 | |
negotiates with Tapia, | 140 | |
San Estevan del Puerto, foundation of, II, | 174 | |
San Hipolito, feast of, II, | 129 | |
San Juan de Puerta Latina, I, | 133 | |
San Juan de Ulua, island of, derivation of name, I, | 17 | |
note on, | 132 | |
San Martin, I, | 271 | |
Santiago de Cuba, I, | 125 | |
Santiago, Spanish battle-cry, II, | 38 | |
Segura de la Frontera, foundation, I, | 308 | |
change of site, II, | 163 | |
mutiny at, | 164 | |
Settlements, Spanish, I, | 126 | |
Siege, beginning of the, II, | 60 | |
duration of, | 129 | |
Singuatepecpan, II, | 248 | |
arrival at, | 249 | |
Christian propaganda at, | 252 | |
Slavery, Cortes sanctions servitude of natives, II, | 147, 148 | |
natives branded and sold, | 166 | |
Cortes orders branding, | 199 | |
the trade, | 332ff | |
Small-pox introduced by Spaniards, II, | 6 | |
Solis, Juan Diaz de, discovers River Plate, I, | 15 | |
Sotelo builds the catapult, II, | 117 | |
Soto, Diego de, II, | 140 | |
South Sea, inquiries concerning, II, | 131 | |
efforts to reach, | 131ff | |
Spain, New, name proposed by Cortes, I, | 322 | |
Strait, search for the, II, | 207ff | |
T | ||
Tabasco, discovery of river, I, | 131 | |
fighting at, | 147 | |
Tacuba, destruction of, II, | 34 | |
Taiza, Cortes marches towards, II, | 269 | |
Tamazollan, I, | 319 | |
Tanjuco, note on, II, | 190 | |
Tapia, Cristobal de, his dealings with Cortes, I, | 29 | |
arrival at Vera Cruz, II, | 138 | |
note on, | 138 | |
Tasco, tin mines of, II, | 204 | |
Tecuichpo, Princess, I, | 318 | |
Tehuantepec, expedition to, II, | 196 | |
Temple, the great, I, | 260 | |
note on, | 345 | |
Tenayucan, II, | 34 | |
Tenciz, character of the province of, II, | 278 | |
Tenochtitlan, Mexico, note on, I, | 330ff | |
Teotihuacan, pyramids of, I, | 248 | |
Tepeaca, expedition to, I, | 308 | |
slaves in, | 309 | |
garrison at, II, | 6 | |
Tepepolco, quarries of, II, | 66 | |
Teutepil, II, | 31 | |
Texcoco, description of and note on, I, | 247, 248 | |
canal built at, II, | 58 | |
Tezcatlipoca, I, | 340, 341 | |
Tezmulocan, II, | 10 | |
Tiac, arrival of Cortes at, II, | 268 | |
Tianguiz, II, | 92 | |
Tithes, first levied in Mexico, II, | 216 | |
Tlalmanalco, II, | 42 | |
Tlapanecatl, leads assault, II, | 88 | |
Tlascala, republic of, I, | 32 | |
character of the people, | 32, 33 | |
note on, | 197 | |
wall of, | 199 | |
hostilities in, | 201ff | |
peace concluded, | 207 | |
description of city, | 209 | |
feud with Cholula, | 220 | |
loyalty of people, | 303 | |
events in, | 305 | |
native of, rescues Cortes, II, | 50 | |
Tlatelolco, I, | 330 | |
Torquemada, Juan de, life and writings, I, | 116 | |
Tozopan, II, | 41 | |
Trade, relations with Hispaniola, II, | 217 | |
Treasure, list of first, I, | 170 | |
collected in Mexico, | 253 | |
division of, | 255 | |
fate of the, II, | 210, 211 | |
Truce, Mexican flag of, II, | 13 | |
Trujillo, foundation of, II, | 311 | |
Tuchintecla, I, | 245, 246 | |
Tupilcos, province of, II, | 234ff | |
Tututepec, two towns so named, II, | 164 | |
Tzilacatzin, his exploits, II, | 89 | |
V | ||
Valdenebro, Diego, II, | 140 |