vently, that the God of mercy may assist me, and defend, through me, his Word.
Written on Saint Leonard's eve.
I think, should the Council be prolonged, I shall want for common necessaries: ask, therefore, for some assistance for me, but only under condition agreed on, from those whom you discover to be really my friends. Salute our brethren and sisters, and invite them to pray to God for me, since I am in need of it.
May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, so that, being delivered from sin, you may walk in grace, increase in modesty and virtue, and enjoy, after this life, life eternal!
My well-beloved, I conjure you all who live according to God’s law, disdain not to occupy yourselves with the salvation of souls: be careful, when listening to the word of God, that you are not deceived by false apostles, who do not condemn sins, but who excuse them: they flatter the priests: they do not shew to the people their trans
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