gressions-: they glorify themselves, extol their works, and exalt their own virtue; but they deign not to imitate Jesus Christ in his humility, in his poverty, in his cross, in his sufferings. It is of them our merciful Saviour has said—“False Christs and false prophets shall rise, and deceive many.” And to warn his elect against them, he has said to them, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves; ye shall know them by their fruits.” And truly the followers of Christ have the greatest need to be prudent and careful; for the Saviour has said, “insomuch that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect.” Watch, therefore, my beloved, through fear of falling into the snares of Satan. It is necessary you should be the more circumspect in proportion as Antichrist places in your way greater obstacles. The last judgment is nigh, death will swallow up many, but the kingdom of God is waiting for his elect, since for them he delivered up his body. Fear not death; love one another; and endeavour, without ceasing, to understand the will of God. Let the terrible and formidable day of judgment be present ever before your eyes, for fear that you may sin; think also of the joys of eternal life, to which all your efforts should be directed; think also of the passion of our Saviour, that you may bear with humility all things with him and for him; for if you bear in mind his sufferings and his cross, nothing will appear
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