he labours directly for the purpose of procuring my condemnation. May God pardon him, and be my aid!
They affirm that the article concerning the depriving the clergy of their property is heretical. Make the Emperor understand that if this article is condemned as a heresy, it will follow that he himself, as well as his father the Emperor and King of Bohemia,[1] will be condemned as heretics, for having stripped the bishops of temporal wealth. Do not send a letter by any one whom you can not answer for as for yourself.
Tell Doctor Schmitz to beware of coming here, or Master Jerome, or any of our friends.
I am astonished that the Emperor has forgotten me, and does not communicate with me. Perhaps I shall be condemned before I have said a word to him. It is for him to see if it is to his honour to act thus.
Noble and good Seignior John, my excellent benefactor, my intrepid defender, I conjure you not to let yourself be troubled on my account, nor for the losses from which yon suffer; Almighty God will reward you with usury. Salute, I pray you, our Bohemian Lords; I do not know any thing concerning them, but I think that the Seignior Wenceslaus Duba is here, as well as Henry Latzembock.
If you decide upon any thing, let me know of it. Let
- ↑ The Emperor Charles IV.