John Bradazk, who is so dear to me, pray to God, with all the others, for me, and cause the Emperor to ask for the answers signed by my hand; those I have drawn up for the articles of Wycliffe, as well as for those imputed to myself.
Let these answers be copied, but not shewn more than is necessary, and let the copies not be too much multiplied, in order that the articles may remain quite distinct. I know not if the petition will be read which I forwarded to the Patriarch, to lay before the Council. I think he will not present it. If it pleased God, the Emperor, by means of one or two articles, might reduce to nothing the conclusions of the Doctors of Prague, concerning the subtraction of property, the donation of Constantine, and alms. I did not wish to deny these articles. It would be necessary for the Emperor to allege some good motives, and that these were suggested to him by some one who is not one of ours. If I was free, I would speak alone with the Emperor. See him, in order that the affair which concerns you, and to which you are attached, should not be secretly transferred elsewhere, to prevent your interfering in it any longer.
Let Master John Cardinal be prudent, for those he imagines to be friends are spies; and I have heard it said by several of those who questioned me, A certain John Cardinal has confounded together the Pope and the Cardinals, in saying that they were all simonists. Let