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the English Nation.

habitants of it are in as great Trouble and Perplexity, as other Nations when their Harveſt has fallen ſhort.

The Circumſtance that introduc'd a Cuſtom in Circaſſia, which appears ſo ſingular to others, is nevertheleſs a Cauſe common to all Nations, I mean maternal Tenderneſs and Intereſt.

The Circaſſians are poor, and their Daughters are beautiful, and indeed 'tis in them, they chiefly trade. They furniſh with Beauties, the Seraglios of the Turkiſh Sultan, of the Perſian Sophy, and of all thoſe who are wealthy enough to purchaſe and maintain ſuch precious Merchandize. Theſe Maidens are very honourably and virtuouſly inſtructed to fondle and careſs Men; are taught Dances of a very polite and effeminate kind; and how to heighten by the moſt voluptuous Artifices, the Pleaſures of their diſdainful Maſters for whom they are deſign'd. Theſe unhappy Creatures repeat their Leſſon to their Mothers, in the ſame manner as little Girls among us repeat their Catechiſm, without underftanduig one Word they ſay.
