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Letters concerning

Now it often happen'd, that after a Father and Mother had taken the utmoſt Care of the Education of their Children, they were fruſtrated of all their Hopes in an Inſtant. The Small-Pox getting into the Family, one Daughter died of it, another loſt an Eye, a third had a great Noſe at her Recovery, and the unhappy Parents were completely ruin'd. Even frequently, when the Small-Pox became epidemical, Trade was ſuſpended for ſeveral Years, which thinn'd very conſiderably the Seraglios of Perſia and Turkey.

A trading Nation is always watchful over its own Intereſts, and graſps at every Diſcovery that may be of Advantage to its Commerce. The Circaſſians obſerv'd, that ſcarce one Perſon in a Thouſand was ever attack'd by a Small Pox of a violent kind. That ſome indeed had this Diſtemper very favourably three or four Times, but never twice ſo as to prove fatal; in a Word, that no one ever had it in a violent Degree twice in his Life. They obſerv'd farther, that when the Small-Pox is of the
