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the English Nation.

milder Sort, and the Puſtles have only a tender, delicate Skin to break thro', they never leave the leaſt Scar in the Face. From theſe natural Obſervations they concluded, that in caſe an Infant of ſix Months or a Year old, ſhould have a milder Sort of Small-Pox, he wou'd not die of it, would not be mark'd, nor be ever afflicted with it again.

In order therefore to preſerve the Life and Beauty of their Children, the only Thing remaining was, to give them the Small-Pox in their infant Years. This they did, by inoculating in the Body of a Child, a Puſtle taken from the moſt regular, and at the ſame Time the moſt favourable Sort of Small-Pox that could be procur'd.

The Experiment cou'd not poſſibly fail. The Turks, who are People of good Senſe, ſoon adopted this Cuſtom, inſomach that at this Time there is not a Baſſa in Conſtantinople, but communicates the Small-Pox to his Children of both Sexes, immediately upon their being wean'd.
