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the English Nation.

ment been made upon him. Beſides, no one is disfigur'd, no one has the Small-Pox a ſecond Time, if the Inoculation was perfect. 'Tis therefore certain, that had the Lady of ſome French Ambaſſador brought this Secret from Conſtantinople to Paris, the Nation would have been for ever oblig'd to her. Then the Duke de Villequier, Father to the Duke d'Aumont, who enjoys the moſt vigorous Conſtitution, and is the healthieſt Man in France, would not have been cut off in the Flower of his Age.

The Prince of Soubiſe, happy in the fineſt Fluſh of Health, would not have been ſnatch'd away at five and twenty; nor the Dauphin, Grandfather to Lewis the Fifteenth, have been laid in his Grave in his fiftieth Year. Twenty thouſand Perſons whom the Small-Pox ſwept away at Paris in 1723, would have been alive at this Time. But are not the French fond of Life, and is Beauty ſo inconſiderable an Advantage as to be diſregarded by the Ladies! It muſt be confeſs'd that we are an odd kind of People. Perhaps our Nation will imitate, ten Years
