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Letters concerning

hence, this Practice of the Engliſh, if the Clergy and the Phyſicians will but give them Leave to do it: Or poſſibly our Country Men may introduce Inoculation three Months hence in France out of mere whim, in caſe the Engliſh ſhould diſcontinue it thro' Fickleneſs.

I am inform'd that the Chineſe have practis'd Inoculation theſe hundred Years, a Circumſtance that argues very much in its Favour, ſince they are thought to be the wiſeſt and beſt govern'd People in the World. The Chineſe indeed don't communicate this Diſtemper by Inoculation, but at the Noſe, in the ſame Manner as we take Snuff. This is a more agreeable way, but then it produces the like Effects; and proves at the ſame Time, that had Inoculation been praſtis'd in France, 'twould have ſav'd the Lives of Thouſands.