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the English Nation.

Man can preſume to aſſert, without being guilty at the ſame time of the greateſt Impiety, that 'tis impoſſible for the Creator to form Matter with Thought and Senſation? Conſider only, I beg you, what a Dilemma you bring yourſelves into; you who confine in this Manner the Power of the Creator. Beaſts have the ſame Organs, the ſame Senſations, the ſame Perceptions as we; they have Memory, and combine certain Ideas. In caſe it was not in the Power of God to animate Matter, and inform it with Senſation, the Conſequence would be, either that Beaſts are mere Machines, or that they have a ſpiritual Soul.

Methinks 'tis clearly evident that Beaſts cannot be mere Machines, which I prove thus. God has given them the very ſame Organs of Senſation as to us: If therefore they have no Senſation, God has created a uſeleſs Thing; now according to your own Confeſſion God does nothing in vain; he therefore did not create ſo many Organs of Senſation, merely for them to be uninform'd with this Faculty; conſequently Beaſts are
