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Letters concerning

not mere Machines. Beaſts, according to your Aſſertion, cannot be animated with a ſpiritual Soul; you will therefore, in ſpight of your ſelf, be reduc'd to this only Aſſertion, viz. that God has endued the Organs of Beaſts, who are mere Matter, with the Faculties of Senſation and Perception, which you call Inſtinct in then. But why may not God if he pleaſes, communicate to our more delicate Organs, that Faculty of feeling, perceiving, and thinking, which we call human Reaſon? To whatever Side you turn, you are forc'd to acknowledge your own Ignorance, and the boundleſs Power of the Creator. Exclaim therefore no more againſt the ſage; the modeſt Philoſophy of Mr. Locke, which ſo far from interfering with Religion, would be of uſe to demonſtrate the Truth of it, in caſe Religion wanted any ſuch Support. For what Philoſophy can be of a more religious Nature than that, which affirming nothing but what it conceives clearly; and conſcious of its own Weakness, declares that we muſt always have recourſe
