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of quite different tempers, one of the moſt religious and the other the merrieſt in England; and indeed ſhe was had in great favour all the reign of the King, having crowds of petitioners waiting at the chamber door, or at the chariot ſide when ſhe was to ride abroad, whoſe ſuits to the utmoſt of the preferred. As for Mrs Blague, who leaſt deſerved it of her, procured of the King a ſtately houſe and manor, worth about two hundred and eighty pounds per annum. The Romiſh prieſts were ſpighted at her, becauſe fhe sheltered many from their rage and fury, after they burned John Hall for a heretic.

As no wordly pomp nor greatneſs is of long continuance, ſo now her glory it was ended, and her days of inexpreſſible miſery began; for the King dying at Weſtminſter, in the 40th year of his age, no ſooner was he buried in the ceapel of his own founding, at Windſor, but Crook backed Richard, his brother, who murdered Prince Henry the VI. and