Page:Life & transactions of Mrs. Jane Shore, concubine to King Edward IV.pdf/19

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Henry, his ſon, aſpiring to the throne, though Edward had left two ſons behind him, viz. Edward and Richard, and ſeveral daughters, all lawfully begotted, by the Queen, quarrelled with Lord Haſtings, who, after the death of the King, had taken Jane Shore for his concubine, as now free, becauſe he would not aſſiſt him in his wicked project of making away with his two nephews, whom he afterwards cauſed to be murdered in the Tower, alledging that the Queen and Shore's wife had bewitched him, ſhewing his withered arm, which all knew had been ſo from his cradle. And Lord Haſtings wiſhing to excuſe them, ſaid, if they have done ſo they ought to be puniſhed. Richard furiously replied, Thou traitor, doſt thou ſerve me with Ifs and Ands? I ſay they have done ſo, and that I will make good on thy body; wherefore, I arreſt thee, Lord Haſtings, of treaſon. And ſoon after he cauſed his head to be cut off in the Tower.