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than he had gone. His ardor to obtain wild turkeys of his own killing at the Bosque Redondo was considerably cooled by this adventure.

Another more serious, but very laughable, adventure occurred on a turkey hunt a few days afterward. My First Lieutenant, Mr. Descourtis, was exceedingly fond of the chase, and he joined me about that time, after nearly nine months absence from his company, in obedience to very strict orders from Gen. Carleton. One evening he determined to go and shoot some wild turkeys, and engaged one of the Indians of Don Carlos. About an hour after their departure the guide came back howling with pain, and declared that Descourtis had shot him. Upon examination it was found that his posteriors were fully pitted with small shot, and upon the return of Mr. Descourtis, which occurred about five minutes later, that officer stated that his gun had gone off accidentally and shot the Indian. The wounds were painful, but by no means dangerous, and under the skillful treatment of Dr. Gwyther, Post Surgeon, were healed in a few days. The Indian subsequently said, that on arriving at the ground he perceived a band of hostile Apaches or Navajoes, and warned Mr. Descourtis of their presence; but he failed to discover them. The guide then told him that he would not risk his life for a turkey or two, and started to leave him, when Mr. Descourtis became enraged and shot him. I cannot pretend to decide between the two, but it is certain that Mr. Descourtis brought back no turkeys, and the Indian fetched a whole load of shot in his carcass, and both came home as fast as their horses would carry them; but the Indian's animal having received a liberal supply of the same pellets in his rear, came much the quicker. This event greatly disgusted Don Carlos and his people, and it was