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only with infinite trouble, during the time that the guide was under surgical treatment, that I could persuade the old man to remain and fulfill his contract. None of them could ever be induced to approach Descourtis again.

Among the Apaches was one who particularly outshone the rest in the chase. He was a young man of about twenty-seven years, named Nah-kah-yen, or the "Keen Sighted," a reputation to which he was fully entitled. This man's knowledge of woodcraft, and the habits of animals, was really wonderful. He could not only perceive an object so distant as to be almost in visible, but could distinguish the particular species. Nah-kah-yen was of medium height, well formed and as active as a panther. He was a sort of dandy among them, being always the best dressed, and paid great attention to his hair, which was always kept well combed and oiled. His long scalp lock was an especial object of attention, and highly ornamented with small silver plates, made into little round shields—buttons, beads, feathers and tinsel. Another of my most trusted favorites was a grim old warrior named Nah-tanh, or the "Corn Flower," commonly called Chato by the Mexicans, on account of his large nose which had been broken and flattened by the kick of a horse. Nah-tanh was much esteemed in his tribe, both as a warrior and judicious counselor. He was about forty years old, weighed about two hundred pounds; broad and deep-chested, very powerful and very grave—scarcely ever deigning to smile. His decision in reference to the qualities of a horse or a weapon was considered final. He had been one of the most dreaded scourges in the country, but having surrendered he professed his determination to abide by his promise, and during the whole term of my service in