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It subsequently appeared that the Navajoes were greatly incensed at the Apaches on the Reservation for having surrendered themselves, and entered into peaceful understanding with the Americans, and the raid had been undertaken in revenge for this apparent perfidy. Our allies were highly elated at their triumph, and also conceived a more positive idea of the gallantry and prowess of Californian cavalry, for whom they had always entertained a high respect, coupled with a whole some dread. As I was absent on a scout with the remainder of my company, I took no part in this affair, but arrived at the fort the day after its occurrence, and heard the same reports from all concerned. A visit to the battle-field, only fifteen miles off, satisfied me as to the number of slain Navajoes, and the subsequent relation of the survivors corroborated the narratives of the victorious parties.

Among the assailants were Mr. Labadie, the Indian Agent, and a man named Carillo, the major-domo of the Indian farm at Fort Sumner. Both these men were eminently courageous, and both did splendid service. Carillo had been a captive among the Navajoes, years before, and spoke their language, the same as the Apaches, with tolerable fluency. During the fight he hailed a retreating Navajo, and said to him: "Halt, and surrender. I do not wish to kill you. Here are numbers of your people in our camp, who have given themselves up, and are now living in peace and comfort, with plenty to eat." The Navajo replied: "Am I not a man as well as you? If you can kill me do so; if not, I will try to kill you. Surrender I never will." At this response Carillo raised his rifle and fired, putting a half ounce ball through his foe; but the fellow staggered on at considerable speed, until his rifle was reloaded, when