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he whirled about and let fly at Carillo, the ball passing in close proximity to his head. Having re-charged his rifle, Carillo again cried out: "Did I not tell you; will you now halt or must I shoot you again?" The Navajo made no other answer than to again raise his gun and shoot at Carillo, who, being untouched, again sent a ball through his foe. This second shot brought him to a halt, when he sat down, and throwing away his rifle, commenced to use his bow and arrows. At this juncture a soldier rode up and sped a six-shooter ball through the Indian's breast, which did not kill him, but had the effect of distracting his attention from Carillo, who slipped round behind the savage, and seizing him by the hair, plunged a large bowie-knife in his heart. While in the death agony this warrior said to his slayer, tu no vale nada, meaning, "you are good for nothing." This incident, and another related elsewhere, demonstrate the extreme tenacity of life possessed by the Apaches and Navajoes, and I doubt not, by most of our American savages. This engagement was signalized by many acts of valor and cool courage on the part of our men. Privates McGrew and Porter followed the retreating savages for ten miles, killing fifteen more of them. McGrew himself slew no less than thirteen Navajoes that day.

It may as well be mentioned here, that the Apaches do not scalp all their enemies. After a considerable engagement they will select one or two scalps for the performance of a ceremony somewhat allied to the "scalp dance" of other tribes, but in most respects totally different. With them it is a strictly religious ceremony, growing out of their superstitions; while among other races it is observed as a grand rejoicing, a triumphal jubilee. Four days after the fight above narrated the Apaches were observed to be dressed in their greatest