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Y tu, Mensagero
De paz y ventura
Oye la voz pura
De nuestra lealtad,
Oye los acentos
Que al cielo elevamos
Oye cual gritamos
Patria.! Libertad.!

Triunfamos Amigos, &c.

Tu el simbolo digno
Serás C——n,
De grata reunión
De eterna Amistad
Que ya en ambos mundos
La insana discordia
Trocose en concordia
Y fraternidad.

Triunfamos Amigos, &c.


Patriotic Hymn which various Spaniards, resident in Mexico, Dedicate to His Excellency Señor Don A—— C—— de la B——, Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary from H. C. M. to the Republic, to celebrate his arrival in this Capital.
The music by Señor Don J. N. de Retes; the words by Señor Don Juan Covo.


Let us triumph my friends.
Let us triumph at length.
And let the country of the Cid
Breathe freely again.

The august Christina
The ornament of Spain
Imprinted the most tender kiss
On the cheek of Isabel.