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And may he freely crown
The white forehead
Of the innocent princess
He swore to protect.

Let us triumph my friends, &c.

And thou, Messenger
Of peace and joy.
Hear the pure voice
Of our loyalty.
Hear the accents
Which we raise to Heaven,
Hear what we cry
Country! Liberty!

Let us triumph my friends, &c.

Thou, C——n, shalt be
The worthy symbol
Of grateful reunion
Of eternal friendship.
Which already has changed
In both worlds
Insane Discord
Into concord and fraternity.

Let us triumph my friends, &c.

The air was rent with vivas! and bravos! as the Señorita de F—— concluded. Her voice was beautiful, and after the first moment of embarrassment, she sang with much spirit and enthusiasm. This was the finale of the serenade, and then the serenaders were invited in, and were in such numbers that the room would scarcely hold them all. More cigars, more punch, more giving of thanks. About three o'clock, the crowd began to disperse, and at length after those Spanish leave-takings, which are really no joke, had ended, Captain E——, C——n and I, all